Tropical Trainwreck™

Vibe: Mohalo after a Pacific tempest.

Damn that’s good! Just one of those flavors that simply demands a taste and no words from a sommelier can tell the tale. Pineapple plus puffs of lime-gased mango, pink peppers and candied papaya lead the palate. Zesty, tropical flower stems, dune grasses, citronella blooms and more pineapple follow on the nose. Our Inspired® Tropical Trainwreck is a Flavor Lab cross between the original Trainwreck and a equatorial plantation. Originating from Humboldt County, California, Trainwreck was popularized in the late 90’s for its signature flavor.

Select Size / QTY

  • $35
  • $170
  • $300
  • $450
  • $1700
  • $2650

SKU: F00175

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