
Up-to-date news, announcements, and information from our expert team of flavor specialists


If you enjoy the incredible natural and delicate aromas that come with your favorite cannabis product, you likely have a little gift from Mother Nature called terpenes to thank.  Terpenes are naturally occurring components in plants that give them their unique fragrance, flavor, and even color. Love the smell of roses, the taste of mint, or the color of your favorite berries? That’s right – those are terpenes at work, helping each plant define and play its role in the natural order of things.


If you’re in the cannabis industry, you’ve probably heard of cannabis concentrates. However, as with many new products, educating your customers is one of the critical keys to success. We thought a comparison between flower and concentrates might help them better understand each product’s nuances and how they affect their experience.


In recent years, the legalization of cannabis for medicinal and recreational purposes sparked joy amongst users, proponents, and manufacturers of cannabis-related products. But behind the headlines lies a complex web of regulations governing the cultivation, production, distribution, and sale of these goods that have been put in place to protect businesses, consumers, and society at large. 


Citrus’ many beneficial properties is why so many products, from beverages to household cleaners, use a pleasant citrus aroma as an additive. It’s also widely used as a flavor or scent agent in products such as beverages, candies, chewing gum, and baked goods, as well as in aromatherapy, cosmetics, and anywhere else where a refreshing and uplifting effect is needed, including – you guessed it – cannabis!  And it’s all thanks to a fascinating and versatile terpene called limonene.


Cannabis producers understand that the key to fostering organic business growth is through offering high-quality products their customers will love – and keep coming back for. Much of their business success relies on using high-quality terpenes


You've probably heard about terpenes, but do you truly understand their impact and ubiquity? Terpenes are organic compounds, pivotal in the natural essence of plants. They are the unsung heroes behind the captivating aromas of flowers and the distinct flavors of fruits. Their roles extend beyond mere sensory delights; they play a crucial part in plant survival and attraction.


You're on a quest for the ultimate vaping experience, and the secret lies in terpenes. These aromatic compounds are the heart of vape cartridges, profoundly influencing flavor and your overall sensory journey.


You're about to dive into a fascinating world of aromatic compounds where scent holds secrets. Cannabis, a plant with a rich tapestry of strains, each exuding its own unique aroma, beckons you to explore. The smell is more than just an enticing aspect; it's a key to unlocking the quality of marijuana.


Terpenes, the aromatic compounds in plants, are increasingly recognized for their role in promoting health. Anxiousness, a common challenge, often disrupts daily life. In 2024, more people are turning to nature for solutions. This leads us to terpenes and natural remedies.


In the world of cannabis, while much deserved attention is focused on cannabinoids like THC and CBD, there's an intriguing and quietly recognized player - beta-caryophyllene. This terpene possesses a distinctive profile and a range of potential benefits. In this article, we will explore the scientific details of beta-caryophyllene, investigate its potential benefits, and illuminate its role in the world of botanical flavor and aroma solutions.


Terpenes are essential aromatic compounds found in all plants, and notably in cannabis. In cannabis, they significantly contribute to defining the unique aroma, flavor and effects of each strain. These compounds are crucial in the cannabis industry, impacting not just the aroma and flavor of the plant but also influencing the overall user experience with cannabis products.


Terpenes, a class of aromatic compounds found in plants, play a pivotal role in influencing sleep quality. This article delves into various terpene profiles in cannabis that are particularly effective for enhancing sleep, offering a natural solution to those seeking a restful night.


Terpenes, a class of aromatic compounds found in various plants, play a particularly notable role in cannabis. They are the architects behind the unique scents and flavors of different cannabis strains, deeply influencing the user's overall experience.

Why work with


Entour, a division of The Werc Shop, shares your passion for creating unique, flavorful products. We go the extra mile to deliver solutions that keep your inventory fresh and exciting in this growing, fast-paced market while providing an exceptional customer experience every step of the way.

With Entour, you have more than a supplier of high-quality products. You have a partner genuinely committed to your success.

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